The Importance of Established Paternity: Benefits for Children, Fathers, and Families

The process of establishing paternity can be instrumental in the financial and emotional wellness of many families. Legally, paternity involves officially recognizing a man as the biological father of a child.  Not only can establishing paternity provide a child with a stronger sense of who they are, but it can also open the door to public assistance, medical benefits, and even financial support. At C. Read More

Child Custody Modification and Parenting Plans: Revising Agreements for Co-Parenting Success

Life doesn’t always go as planned. When things change, sometimes our child custody arrangements need to change, too. Maybe you’ve gotten a new job, you moved locations, or your child’s schedule has shifted. These kinds of shifts can make the original custody plan feel outdated or ill-suited to your family’s needs. This is where a child custody modification might be beneficial. An official modification can help you Read More

What Is the Process of Modifying Child Custody Orders?

As life evolves, so do the needs of families and their children. Fortunately, child custody orders are not set in stone. As life changes, it might make a current custody and visitation arrangement unsuitable, so it's important to understand when it's appropriate for a significant change to be reflected within a custody agreement. However, the process is not as simple and straightforward as it may Read More

What Is Child Custody Modification? When and How to Request Changes

When parents separate or divorce, they typically establish a child custody order to determine specifics such as where the child will live, who makes decisions about education and healthcare, how visitation is scheduled, and how holidays are divided. But as we all know, life doesn’t always go as planned. Things can change in ways that make the original custody arrangement less ideal. When this happens, a child custody Read More

Are There Different Types of Child Support Arrangements?

When people think of child support, they think of regular cash payments from the non-custodial parent to the other. This is not always the case, with 2.7 million custodial parents receiving child support in the form of goods and services in 2021 rather than cash payments. These goods and services came in the form of things like groceries and clothes for the children. Some couples consider using different methods Read More

11 Reasons You May Need a Child Custody Modification

Child custody isn’t simple, legally, emotionally, or financially. There are rarely situations where you want to have to change your child custody agreement. Life is going to throw unexpected curveballs your way, whether you and your co-parent are divorced or separated. C. Alvarez Law can help you through any of these common reasons for needing a modification and our legal services can help ensure the best outcome for Read More

Common Myths and Misconceptions About Divorce: Separating Fact from Fiction

Divorce is never an easy process. It involves a lot of emotions, legalities, and decisions that can significantly impact the lives of those involved. Unfortunately, divorce is also a topic that is often surrounded by myths and misconceptions. These erroneous beliefs can cause unnecessary stress and confusion for individuals going through a divorce or considering one. In this blog, we will debunk some of the most Read More

The Cost of Divorce

Many people ask about how much their divorce will cost. The truth is, there is no specific answer. We can’t tell you ahead of time exactly how much it will cost because there’s no telling how long it will take and what issues we may run into. The best we can do is help you estimate the cost of divorce with the information we all have. The divorce attorneys at C. Alvarez Law can explain. The Factors that Affect the Read More

Paternity Fraud: Legal Remedies for Victims of Misattributed Paternity

Have You Been the Victim of Paternity Fraud? Fatherhood is a special experience. It is filled with love, pride, and a deep bond with your child. But if there’s one thing that can turn this dream into a nightmare, it’s paternity fraud. Misattributed paternity can be devastating for men who spend years believing they’re biologically related to a child – only to learn that they share no DNA. While it may seem uncommon, Read More

Emergency Custody and Substance Abuse: Addressing Parental Addiction in Custody Cases

As experienced emergency custody lawyers, we understand that issues such as parental addiction in custody cases aren’t unheard of. Substance abuse, especially drug abuse, significantly impacts custody and visitation decisions as it deeply impacts parenting abilities. Addressing parental addiction in custody cases is crucial for a child’s well-being. As we’ve stated many times before, family courts will always Read More